Campaign gift pledges are payable for a five-year period. Many special opportunities are available.
Unrestricted Gifts
Naming Opportunities
Planned Gifts
Architectural rendering of new Academic Commons addition at NCSSM-Durham
Unrestricted Gifts
An unrestricted donation allows the school to apply your gift to areas of greatest need to support our many programs, enhance the experience of students both on campus and across the state, and help us expand our offerings so that we continue to provide once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to our students.
Endowment gifts are invested to generate a permanent, recurring source of funding. Contribute to an existing endowment fund, or with a minimum gift of $25,000, establish a new endowment for a specific purpose.
Planned Gifts
Consider making a charitable bequest in your will, or name the NCSSM Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement fund, IRA, annuity, or other financial holdings. Visit ncssm.giftlegacy.com for more information. If you have already included NCSSM in your planned giving, please let us know by completing this form or contacting us at giving@ncssm.edu.
Naming Opportunities
Naming opportunities recognize extraordinary generosity to the Ignite + Transform Campaign. Priority for reserving naming opportunities will be based first on a donor’s campaign gift or pledge level and second on the earliest date of campaign commitment. Naming opportunities are available starting at $25,000. They can apply to locations and funds (endowments and expendable funds).
Designated Gifts
Designated or restricted funds refer to a gift that can only be used for specific projects or purposes, giving donors assurance that their gifts are being used in a manner they desire. Having listened to the suggestions of alumni, parents, faculty and students, the Ignite+Transform campaign has identified a list of opportunities that have been identified to support our multidisciplinary learning environment to help our students succeed-not just at NCSSM but over the long term.

We accept one-time or multi-year gifts of cash, stocks, or property.
Give online at www.ncssm.edu/donate. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover through our secure website.
Check with your employer to see about matching gifts. Many employers match gifts on a one-to-one basis. Learn More
Checks payable to NCSSM Foundation may be mailed to: NCSSM Foundation, PO Box 2733, Durham, NC 27715-2733
If you are responding to mail from the NCSSM Foundation, please be sure to include any reply card with your check to help process your gift more quickly.
Gifts of Stock and Securities
Gifts of appreciated assets such as stocks can generate significant tax savings for donors. Your financial advisor can transfer stock to NCSSM Foundation’s brokerage account with the information below. It is important that the bank or broker contact the Foundation Office in order for us to be able to match your gift to you. Gifts of stock and securities, and cryptocurrentices, add a last sentence: “Any designation inside of the NCSSM Foundation should be identified alongside the gift.
Brokerage Firm: Wells Fargo Advisors (Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC)
Account Number: 5922-6350
DTC Number: 0141
Contact: Jon Davis, CFP, jonathan.davis@wellsfargoadvisors.com, 919-881-1012
Toll Free: (800) 334-1637
Gifts of cryptocurrencY
Gifts of cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, can be made by contacting the foundation for account transfer details.
Donor-Advised Funds
Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are philanthropic vehicles established at public charities that allow donors to make charitable contributions, receive immediate tax benefits, and then recommend grants from the funds over time. If you have already established a Donor Advised Fund elsewhere, consider recommending grants from your fund to the NCSSM Foundation.
Alumni spotlight
Carl Ryden ’89

“This school fundamentally changed the trajectory of my life. It’s not a debt I can ever repay. NCSSM was an equity investor in my future, and whenever I have a chance to give back and pay it forward, I will take every opportunity to do so.”
Carl Ryden ’89, who with his wife, Ashley, donated $2 million to Ignite + Transform to launch a signature program at NCSSM